Join me, The Muddy Archaeologist, and explore the origins, themes, adaptions and relevance of Euripides' great play.

Whether you saw the National Theatre's new re-imagining of the Greek Tragedy or not, this is for you.

It's a tale of timeless humanity; lust and power are entwined; the role of a less-than-impressive king (once a great hero!) creates a nuance that is not lost today; and what of the lover - who is guilty and is anyone not guilty? What pushes us out of the social norms and who do we sympathise with, if indeed we do?

This is a recording of a vibrant live talk that was presented online on Friday 3rd March 2023
See the talk and access the great downloadable maps and downloadable illustrated notes.
Add a fab reading list and sources of illustrations,
and you have a fantastic insight into why Greek tragedy is still so relevant today - and how it can be adapted, even across millennia.

This talk is sumptuously illustrated with truly beautiful images that capture the vibrant story and its impact.

Whether you are a professor or a Classics fan, a student or a complete novice, an ancient  historian, story-teller, or studying for general interest ...

Whether you're planning to see the National Theatre play in 2023 or not ...

Whether you spend much of your life like I do, wallowing in Classical Literature ... 

or if this is all new to you!

If you want to transform your view of our ancient past ...

Or if you just want great insights into some of the very best stories ever told ...

Then this talk and its bonuses are for YOU!

What will you learn?

You'll be seeing the tragedy in a thrilling new way,  preparing you for future explorations into some of the greatest writing of all time.

- Explore the way the Greeks responded to the tragedies ...

-  Discover the characters and personalities - divine and mortal - that inhabit this ancient world ...

-  Encounter the variations of stories that the great writers of  the ancient world - and more recently - have inspired!

-  Discover what myth is FOR!

Great Value!     What will you get?

A great package!

-   A recording of this great talk  PLUS  Downloadable maps and useful handout with the quotes from ancient writers included.

-  Absolutely no exams or tests except for short lightweight quiz which veterans of The Muddy Archaeologist Online Course often flag up as a highlight!  This course is for fun, discovery, learning and exploration for us to share together.

-  Great reading list for further exploration.

-  To join me for this great talk, you will have to register with The Muddy Archaeologist Online Courses, if you haven't already.  By registering for the Muddy Archaeologist Online Courses, you'll gain access to a LIVE Q&A online session (scheduled on one date most months) with The Muddy Archaeologist with chat box & live conversation to ask your questions, respond and be part of the Muddy Archaeologist online community. Think of it as your very own online club about the Ancient World!

-  Group rates will be available.

- No quibble 30-day Money Back Guarantee

Pricing options

Group prices will be available

Course curriculum

Join 'The Muddy Archaeologist'
as we look at humanity through the millennia

One of the greatest stories ever told and performed - still relevant and powerful today

What's included?
LIVE ONLINE Talk on 3 March 2023 - Recording of Live Lecture - Downloadable maps and notes - Informative and Entertaining Quiz - Reading List - Live Q&A session with 'The Muddy Archaeologist'

NB The curriculum below is NOT CLICKABLE. It is for information only

  • 1

    Introduction: Welcome

    • How to Use this course (video by The Muddy Archaeologist)

  • 2

    PHAEDRA: Dramatic Lust & Power, Ancient and Modern

    • About Gillian Hovell, 'The Muddy Archaeologist'

    • Video on how to use this course

    • Recorded Video Lecture: Phaedra: Dramatic Lust & Power, Ancient and Modern

    • Downloadable Notes: Phaedra: Dramatic Lust & Power, Ancient and Modern

    • Downloadable map of locations in the tragedies

    • Downloadable map of locations in the National Theatre's Phaedra

    • Test and Consolidate what you've discovered in Phaedra: Dramatic Lust & Power, Ancient and Modern

    • Downloadable Reading List - Phaedra: Dramatic Lust & Power, Ancient and Modern

    • List of Illustrations : Phaedra: Dramatic Lust & Power, Ancient and Modern

This is your chance to gain clarity and understanding of the versions of Euripides' Phaedra and the Roman and modern retelling of the tragedy.

Don't just take my word for it!

Passionate scholar and educator with a flair for engaging audiences with dynamism, accessibility and fun

Freddie Matthews Director of Programme & Content at The Conduit

It has been wonderful to host talks by Gillian as part of the British Museum's public programme. She is a passionate scholar and educator, with a flair for engaging audiences with dynamism, accessibility and fun

Gillian brings learning to life

Course student

Gillian brings learning to life in a way that inspires future interest

Learned more in one hour

Public Talk attendee

Learned more in one hour than I've understood in 20 years


Course student

‘Gillian Hovell is brilliant -  I have previously been on a cruise where she lectured and that influenced my decision to do this course.’

Gillian Hovell BA(Hons) 'The Muddy Archaeologist'

Hi, I'm Gillian Hovell, known professionally as 'The Muddy Archaeologist'.

Welcome to this thrilling 'Phaedra: Dramatic Lust & Power, Ancient & Modern' illustrated talk, part of the Muddy Archaeologist Online Courses. Want to really understand what the National Theatre's 2023 production of Phaedra is all about?

Find out more about the ancient Greek drama that started this remarkable story - one of the simplest plots of Greek tragedies, yet one of the most powerful . Shocking with its tale of a queen's lust for her stepson, it was re-written in antiquity by the original author as well as by the later Roman philosopher, Seneca. How did the Romans re-imagine the story to fit their own society; and how has the story been re-imagined yet again in 2023 for our own times?

It's a tale of timeless humanity; lust and power are entwined; the role of a less-than-impressive king (once a great hero!) creates a nuance that is not lost today; and what of the lover - who is guilty and is anyone not guilty? What pushes us out of the social norms and who do we sympathise with, if indeed we do?

My life is spent lecturing nationally and internationally, and on tours and cruises of ancient sites from Orkney's Neolithic to the diverse cultures of the Ancient Mediterranean - some of you will know me from our travels in the UK and throughout the Mediterranean. I lead groups for the Smithsonian Journeys, Australians Studying Abroad (ASA) and many other UK and international companies. I have lectured on many tours and cruises that have explored the dramatic world of the ancients as we explored the theatres that such tragedies were originally performed in, and I look forward to doing so again in the future. And I love it. My joy is to transform your experience of destinations into ones that are not 'just a load of old stones'; I help you to connect with the civilization, discover and share our common humanity with it and enjoy and appreciate the diversity, individuality and richness of each and every culture. Ancient sites never look the same again ...

For I am passionate about revealing how ancient history and mythology are full of human life and passion. I love sharing the joy of ancient history in person, in books and articles, on the media and on line. I'm a prize-winning author and one of my books, Visiting the Past: Finding and Understanding Britain's Archaeology, shares with you how to explore the archaeology of the British Isles from prehistory up to the medieval age and even beyond. My next book will explore the ancient civilizations of the Ancient Mediterranean - the tragedy-writing Greeks and the Romans included.

After graduating in Latin and Ancient History from Exeter University, I worked in BBC Television and went on to become an award-winning freelance writer, author. I have led a community archaeology project in Yorkshire and I have excavated at major sites in the UK and Europe, from Mesolithic Star Carr right up into the Roman fort of Vindolanda and Pompeiian Roman Oplontis.

I now lecture at York University and have spoken at the British Museum. You may have seen me recently on BBC TV news as an expert, and heard me on various BBC national and local radio programmes. My expert contribution will air in the Sky series Sex: A Bonkers History in Spring 2023. I share courses around the country and lecture throughout the UK and abroad for audiences that range from local societies and luncheon clubs to Classical Associations, The Arts Society, and international groups. Every event is tailored to YOU, whoever and wherever you are. Why not book me for a talk or event in person or online for YOUR society or organisation - it's always a pleasure!

I offer you expertise, passion and a warm welcome. Archaeology is for everyone: let me lead you on a journey into the past with knowledge, great images, and a sense of fun and enjoyment.

Adding colour and depth to our lives today by digging deep into the past.

For more than just online courses visit