This talk is sumptuously illustrated with truly beautiful images that capture the vibrant story and its impact.
Whether you are a professor or a Classics fan, a student or a complete novice, an ancient historian, story-teller, or studying for general interest ...
Whether you're planning to see the National Theatre play in 2023 or not ...
Whether you spend much of your life like I do, wallowing in Classical Literature ...
or if this is all new to you!
If you want to transform your view of our ancient past ...
Or if you just want great insights into some of the very best stories ever told ...
Then this talk and its bonuses are for YOU!
What will you learn?
You'll be seeing the tragedy in a thrilling new way, preparing you for future explorations into some of the greatest writing of all time.
- Explore the way the Greeks responded to the tragedies ...
- Discover the characters and personalities - divine and mortal - that inhabit this ancient world ...
- Encounter the variations of stories that the great writers of the ancient world - and more recently - have inspired!
- Discover what myth is FOR!
Great Value! What will you get?
A great package!
- A recording of this great talk PLUS Downloadable maps and useful handout with the quotes from ancient writers included.
- Absolutely no exams or tests except for short lightweight quiz which veterans of The Muddy Archaeologist Online Course often flag up as a highlight! This course is for fun, discovery, learning and exploration for us to share together.
- Great reading list for further exploration.
- To join me for this great talk, you will have to register with The Muddy Archaeologist Online Courses, if you haven't already. By registering for the Muddy Archaeologist Online Courses, you'll gain access to a LIVE Q&A online session (scheduled on one date most months) with The Muddy Archaeologist with chat box & live conversation to ask your questions, respond and be part of the Muddy Archaeologist online community. Think of it as your very own online club about the Ancient World!
- Group rates will be available.
- No quibble 30-day Money Back Guarantee