Join me, The Muddy Archaeologist for three fascinating richly illustrated talks.

Thrill to the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb 100 years ago,
explore the world of Tutankhamun, his inherited culture and the wider Mediterranean world that crowded in before Egypt was buried beneath the sand. See how Carter brought Tutankhamun's tomb to the attention of the modern world and changed our view of Egypt for ever.

This series of lectures has been lovingly created to celebrate the centenary of Howard Carter's great discovery in 1922 of Tutankhamun's tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt and his decade of work after the discovery.  

Join Gillian Hovell, 'The Muddy Archaeologist' for three stunning live lectures that will bring to life not just the moment of discovery but the world of Tutankhamun.   See how the objects in Tutankhamun's tomb reveal his inheritance of the long-lived Egyptian culture and civilization, then discover how a cosmopolitan Egypt maintained her identity amongst the ancient cultures of the Mediterranean who crowded in on her.   And yet the sands of time eventually buried ancient Egypt.  But she would rise from the sands; find out how Carter's discovery created a new legacy for Tutankhamun

  • Discover just how great Carter's breakthroughTutankhamun's ring, Metropolitan Museum Open Access really was, amidst the remarkable hype that brought the news to the world.

  • Look closer at the remarkable finds in the tomb and how they reveal the astonishing culture that Tutankhamun inherited and lived and ruled in.

  • Then explore Tutankhamun's legacy as we take in the bigger picture, seeing Egypt as the many ancient cultures of the Mediterranean saw it:  the Persians, the Greeks and the Romans all connected with Egypt in a way that preserved Egypt's culture amidst a cosmopolitan world.   And we travel beyond, to a time when Ancient Egypt was buried in the sands, to our own day, when we see how Tutankhamun influenced our modern world after Carter's discovery.

Join me and see how truly remarkable the discovery of the tomb was, and how much it has influenced our image of Ancient Egypt, and even our own culture.

This course is sumptuously illustrated with truly beautiful images that capture the atmosphere and essence of ancient Egypt.

-  Whether you are a professor or a Time Team fan, aClevland Museum of art Open Access student or a complete novice, an archaeologist or studying for general interest ...

-  Whether you travel to Egypt and to exhibitions or if you have never (yet) had the honour ...

-  If you want to transform your view of our ancient past ...

Then this series of LIVE  lectures is for YOU!

What will you learn?With permission from Griffiths Institute, University of Oxford

-   Explore the story of the discovery of Ancient Egypt, from before Carter's discovery to his groundbreaking finds.

-  Discover the already ancient, inherited, lasting art and culture revealed in the finds in the tomb.

-  What to look for in Egyptian artefacts.

-  How to appreciate the awesome 3,000 years of Egyptian culture.

-  Enjoy a sense of place and time as we capture the essence and atmosphere of Tutankhamun's tomb and the Egyptian world.

You'll be seeing the ancient world in a whole new, fresh way.

Great Value!     

Price - Great Value!

Course curriculum

Join 'The Muddy Archaeologist' on a journey
on the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb
and back over 3,000 years to the stunning world of Tutankhamun
and discovering the Ongoing story

Archaeology - Discovery - Egyptian Culture & Art - The Ongoing Story - Legacy

What's included?
Three LIVE one-hour richly illustrated talks

Inheritance - Tutankhamun's World

Course details below for info only (not clickable access)

  • 1

    Tutankhamun: Egypt Rising from the Sand 3 LIVE Lectures online

    • How to Use this course (video by The Muddy Archaeologist)

  • 2

    Lecture 1: Discovery

    • VIDEO LECTURE: Tutankhamun: Egypt rising from the Sand - Lecture 1. Discovery

    • Downloadable Notes for Tutankhamun: Egypt Rising from the Sand - Lecture 1: Discovery

    • Downloadable Map accompanying Lecture 1: Egypt's New Kingdom and the Valley of the Kings

  • 3

    Lecture 2: The World of Tutankhamun

    • VIDEO LECTURE: Tutankhamun: Egypt rising from the Sand - Lecture 2. The World of Tutankhamun

    • Downloadable Notes for Tutankhamun: Egypt Rising from the Sand - Lecture 2: The World of Tutankhamun

    • Downloadable map of Ancient Egypt - Early Trade

    • Downloadable Map of the Ancient Civilizations around Ancient Egypt

  • 4

    Lecture 3: Legacy

    • VIDEO LECTURE: Tutankhamun: Egypt rising from the Sand - Lecture 3. The Legacy of Tutankhamun

    • Downloadable Notes for Tutankhamun: Egypt Rising from the Sand - Lecture 3: Legacy

    • Link to recording of the BBC Live playing of Trumpets in 1939

This is your chance to see how Carter's discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb unfolded on the world's stage,
to discover what the objects found reveal about Tutankhamun's world, and how Ancient Egypt's story continued to unfold until she vanished beneath the sands before returning to wow the world.

Join Gillian and be guided by expert,
an archaeologist who loves the archaeology
and adores sharing it with you!

Don't just take my word for it!

Infectious Enthusiasm

Course student

'Gillian’s infectious enthusiasm, impressive knowledge of the ancient world and ability to present her subject in a relatable way make learning thoroughly enjoyable.'

Could not have been better in any way

Course student

What did you particularly enjoy about the course? ‘Every single minute of it.  Could not have been better in any way.  Thank you so much.’

Gillian brings learning to life

Course student

Gillian brings learning to life in a way that inspires future interest

Learned more in one hour

Public Talk attendee

Learned more in one hour than I've understood in 20 years


Classical Association vote of thanks

Phenomenal. Truly inspirational - it reminds us what we're here for

This was one of the best!


'I've done a lot of courses over the last 5-6 years and this was one of the best!   I had little previous knowledge of the topic but found this to be illuminating.  It was very clearly presented and the timeline stream of development was particularly well done.'

Gillian Hovell BA(Hons) 'The Muddy Archaeologist'

Hi, I'm Gillian Hovell, known professionally as 'The Muddy Archaeologist'.
Welcome to this thrilling series of LIVE lectures on the discovery, world and legacy of Tutankhamun

If you're looking to find out more about the astonishing discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb, 100 years ago, what the finds tells us and the ongoing story and legacy of the discovery, then you're in the right place!
For I present lively, passionate and engaging ancient history and archaeology that connects with our lives today and which bring the past vividly to life.

My life is spent lecturing nationally and internationally, and on tours and cruises of ancient sites from Orkney's Neolithic to the diverse cultures of the Ancient Mediterranean - some of you will know me from our travels in the UK and throughout the Mediterranean. I lecture on tours for Ciceroni Travel, the Smithsonian Journeys, Australians Studying Abroad (ASA) and many other UK and international companies.

And I love it. My joy is to transform your experience of destinations into ones that are not 'just a load of old stones'; I help you to connect with the civilization, discover and share our common humanity with it and enjoy and appreciate the diversity, individuality and richness of each and every culture. For I am passionate about revealing how archaeological sites and history are full of human life and passion. I love sharing the joy of ancient history in person, in books and articles, on the media and on line. I'm a prize-winning author and my next book will vividly bring to live the archaeology of the distinctive ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean .

After graduating in Latin and Ancient History from Exeter University, I worked in BBC Television and went on to become an award-winning freelance writer, author.
I have led a community archaeology project in Yorkshire and I have excavated at major sites in the UK and Europe .

I now lecture at York University and speak at the British Museum. I share courses around the country and lecture throughout the UK and abroad for audiences that range from local societies and luncheon clubs to Classical Associations, The Arts Society, and international groups. Every event is tailored to YOU, whoever and wherever you are.
I offer you expertise, passion and a warm welcome.
Archaeology is for everyone: let me lead you on a journey into the past with knowledge, great images, and a sense of fun and enjoyment.

Adding colour and depth to our lives today by digging deep into the past.

For more than just online courses visit