io Saturnalia!
Merry Christmas the Roman Way

Join The Muddy Archaeologist for a special festive LIVE talk

Wednesday 16th December 2020
10.30 am, GMT

If you wish to, bring your favourite Christmas treat and drink for a sharing chat time with The Muddy Archaeologist after the talk.
Let's raise a little Christmas cheer!

io Saturnalia! Merry Christmas the Roman Way
is a vibrant celebration of our Christmas habits and traditions,
with a special focus on the many and varied traditions and habits
that we have acquired from the Roman (pagan) celebration of the festival of the god Saturn, the Saturnalia.

Several days of wild feasting surrounded the winter equinox for Romans and, later, the church’s celebration of Christmas was scheduled to coincide with this merry time.

This had consequences that still influence us today, sometimes rather altered, and sometimes not altered much at all! I guarantee that you will be looking forward to a Merry Christmas, the Roman way …

You'll never look at paper hats, Christmas jumpers or wreaths the same way again ... and you'll have a new, fresh view of the presents, the holly and the candles and so much more ...

This talk is also available for societies and groups:
Book for a date and time to suit you.
Zoom online or in-person bookings available.

Please note: December dates get booked up:
The diaries are open for 2020, 2021 & 2022 !

Treat your members to some festive cheer!

Image:  'A Roman Feast'    Roberto Bompiani (Italian (Roman), 1821 - 1908. 

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