Join me, The Muddy Archaeologist, for a monthly LIVE Zoom session
in which we explore the latest archaeological discoveries around the world
AND we enjoy a shared fun session; sometimes an illustrated quiz, sometimes a virtual walk around a fantastic ancient site ...


Previous fun sessions have included: virtual tours of Ephesus, Knossos, Pompeii, Karnak, Delphi & more, illustrated quizzes on mythology, Saturnalia, civilizations, ancient food, films, famous ancient people etc., and explored locations such as Neolithic Orkney, Ancient Cornwall, and so much more ....

Donation Options

Please support The Muddy Archaeologist
by making a donation of your choice
for your fantastic LIVE session each month.

Choose your donation from the options on the right
('Regular price' is a suggested donation)

You do have the option of joining the sessions for free, but your support and help will ensure that the Monthly Sessions remain viable.

Many thanks to you for your kind and generous support.
It is much appreciated.

Your donation is a one-off donation for THIS month's session only.
You can choose to donate again - the same or a different amount - NEXT month.
Or you can choose the Free option next month.

Sign up, by choosing to join for FREE or to donate amount above for this great session

Then you'll receive an email with your own Zoom link to join us LIVE!

Course curriculum

This is for information ONLY. NOT clickable as a link.

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    Monthly LIVE Zoom Session with the Muddy Archaeologist

    • Zoom meeting link: 7.30pm Tuesday 15th April 2025