Give the gift of learning with me, The Muddy Archaeologist, and enable your gift recipient to learn how to read the Latin that is all around us in our modern lives in this engaging and accessible new course.

Share the passion and knowledge and enrich your enjoyment of English words and the Latin that is all around us as you learn Latin in this stunning new course

Learn from the beginning - no experience necessary at all.
No unexplained elite jargon
A friendly and accessible tutor and course, taking you by the hand step by step as you discover how Latin works.
You'll never look at English words or Latin words, phrases, mottoes and inscriptions in the same way again!

This course is sumptuously illustrated with truly beautiful images that help you learn how to read Latin all around us.

This is for YOU:

If you've never touched Latin before in your life, or if you are a rusty Latinist, or just enjoy refreshing your knowledge ...

If you want to read mottoes, inscriptions or spot the Latin and deeper meanings in our English words, or if you simply want to get to grips with the grammar for your own purposes ...  

If you want to learn how to spot Latin around us, and how to use Latin dictionaries to decipher Latin you find for yourself outside the course ...

If  you want ALL the grammar you need to translate Latin ...

Then this comprehensive and accessible course is for YOU!

What will you learn?

-   Discover why Latin is still all around us in every part of our modern lives

-   Understand how Latin works: get to grips with all the parts of speech and grammar

-  Add colour to your Latin with explorations of its use in the ancient and modern worlds

-  How to use a dictionary, both for translation and to enrich your English vocabulary

-  Enjoy a sense of achievement as we take Latin in this uniquely created course that is designed to enlighten you step by step.

You'll soon be seeing the words we use everyday in our modern lives in a whole new, fresh way.

Great Value!     What will you get?

-   15 sumptuously illustrated video sessions taking you through a glorious opener: the history of Latin and why it's still all around us in our modern lives today.  And then into the nuts and bolts of Latin grammar.   What a package!

-   Plus start up session with helpful guides
such as a glossary, and an extra closing Next Steps lesson

-  Downloadable useful handouts and tables

-  Examples from modern mottoes and inscriptions, as well as Latin words and phrases that have survived in use today

-  Learn how to read some very famous ancient quotes - in the original Latin! - that are still remembered today.  

-  Bonus Documents that focus on the origins and deeper meanings of English words derived from Latin.

-  Bonus lesson on The Art of Translation; discover how to really understand both Latin and English words; make them say what you mean, and mean what you say!

-  A FREE LIVE Q&A online session (scheduled at one time, one date each month) with The Muddy Archaeologist with chat box to ask your questions and respond and be part of the Muddy Archaeologist online community.

-  Absolutely no exams or tests except for short lightweight quizzes.  This course is for fun, discovery, learning and exploration for us to share together.

-  A selection of options for payment: one-off payments, monthly installments, Group Discounts (learn with friends!) plus ...

-  The chance to buy this course at a very Special Value Bundle price when bought together with Practical Latin II & III.  These will add more work on verbs and on the special features that make Latin so unique.  By the end of these courses, you will have covered all the Latin you need to understand the Latin that is around us today.

- No quibble 30-day Money Back Guarantee

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.

What Happens When You Buy the Voucher

Buy your voucher and you'll be giving the whole course FREE to your chosen Someone.

YOU will receive a confirmation email of your purchase.

An email to you will swiftly follow with an attached e-card containing the personalised unique Voucher Code
and Instructions on how YOU yourself send that Voucher to the lucky person.
as your personal present.

Included will be instructions for them on how to use that Voucher.

Then all they have to do is to start their great exploration into the life and times of the Emperor Nero.

Social proof: testimonials

Gillian Hovell BA(Hons) 'The Muddy Archaeologist'

Hi, I'm Gillian Hovell, known professionally as 'The Muddy Archaeologist'.
Welcome to this invitation to join my unique Practical Latin course.

Latin is all around us. It's in the phrases and words we use every day; it's in mottoes and inscriptions. If you're looking to enjoy discovering a new skill, then you're in the right place!

For I present lively, passionate and engaging Latin classes that take you on a journey that opens up a whole new world. Not only do we get to grips with Latin grammar; we also add colour and depth to the English words you use every day - so many have deeper meanings and ancient stories behind them.
I have taught Latin for many years and I am delighted to be bringing this special course online, so that YOU can join in and share the fun.
For Latin is FUN.

And I love it. My joy is to provide you with a thrilling new skill and to transform your experience of the English language into a lively, creative one.
I am passionate about revealing how our everyday words are full of human life and passion. I love sharing the joy of Latin in person, in books and articles, on the media and on-line.

After graduating in Latin and Ancient History from Exeter University, I worked in BBC Television and went on to become an award-winning freelance writer, author.

I now lecture at York University and speak at the British Museum. I share courses around the country and lecture throughout the UK and abroad for audiences that range from local societies and luncheon clubs to Classical Associations, The Arts Society, and international groups. Every event is tailored to YOU, whoever and wherever you are.
I offer you expertise, passion and a warm welcome.
Latin is for everyone: let me lead you on a journey into a new approach to words with knowledge, great images, and a sense of fun and enjoyment.

Adding colour and depth to our lives today by digging deep into the past.

For more than just online courses visit